Industry’s largest surface treatment group
3. Supporting customers with cutting-edge technologies and a strong group network
Needless to say, Nihon Parkerizing Group is the top surface treatment brand.
We have gained deep trust from industries through our more than 90-year history.
For such a large number of customers, we not only propose new surface treatments and cutting-edge painting processes that are the keys to painting quality, but also contribute to environmental preservation through employing technologies that reduce the generation of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and CO2. As our most important mission, we are working to utilize IoT technologies to contribute to the enhancement of productivity of those who are engaged in manufacturing activities.
Industry’s largest surface treatment group
Supporting customers with cutting-edge technologies and a strong group network
STRENGTH | Group network
Number of employees in our group:4,353
Number of companies in our group network: 56
Number of domestic bases in our group: 45
Parker Group strongly supports customers through our 4,300 employees,
56 companies in our group network, and 45 domestic bases.
Four business domains
Offering cutting-edge technologies
through our four business domains,
with surface treatment at the core
Boasting a 70%
share of the market
for automotive surface
treatment agents